Submission Guidelines:
Submission to the journal implies that the research is original and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
We presently allow format-free submissions, provided that formatting is coherent and uniform and that the paper follows accepted academic standards in the archaeological sciences discipline. Eventually, published articles will adhere to the JAS: Reports reference and in-text citation style.
Articles should be submitted as a Word document that includes text, tables, figures, and figure captions. Supplementary information will also be allowed. The Editorial Board will assess each submission to ensure its contribution is within the scope of the journal and that it is of acceptable quality. The editor will assign manuscripts that the board has approved to at least two reviewers. The authors will subsequently be notified whether their paper is accepted, rejected, or accepted pending revisions. The journal’s staff will edit and format the original/revised manuscript. The authors will be required to provide publication-quality figures for the final publication.
Please ensure that your submitted manuscript includes the following components: (1) Title, authors and affiliations, and keywords; (2) a 200–400 word abstract summarizing the paper (including the conclusion/s); (3) the text, including well-structured Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion sections; (4) a reference list of cited works in alphabetical order (preferably the JAS: Reports style); (5) tables and figures with associated captions.
As we acknowledge the need to present detailed data-rich studies, we impose no formal length limitations, but do ask that the text is clear and concise and that the tables and figures included are only those essential for the paper’s goal. Authors may be asked to shorten lengthy contributions.
Submitted materials and any queries and correspondence should be sent directly to the Editor, Reuven Yeshurun, at